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- Gluten Free
- Power Protein Pasta
- 16 g Protein Per Serving
We took everyone’s childhood favorite and upped the ante with 16 g of protein and a cheesy flavor even adults can’t resist.
We Harvest Flavor.維霖診所曹院長
Pack a powerful protein punch into your family's favorite foods with Ancient Harvest POW! Mac & Cheese. It's just the super nutrition of great tasting, plant-based powerhouses such as beans, lentils and ancient grains. Now there's a delicious way to get the fuel you need to power up your day.
床的世界Plant-Based Protein
We believe that making plant-based foods part of your diet should be easy. Lentils and beans, also known as pulses, have been around for centuries, nourishing people worldwide. Ancient Harvest now helps you rediscover the protein power of pulses to create new and surprisingly delicious foods.
Ancient Harvest, 轟!奶酪通心粉,切達干酪尖貝殼,6.0盎司(170克)
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